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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Friday, October 9, 2009

United States of Bank of America....

I know I'm a bit slow at times. This just happens to be one of those times. I just realized something that I wish I wouldn't have.

Ever since I had my first job, my first paycheck, I "got" the whole idea of taxes. As in, I pay my taxes to help this country. Help it defend itself, build roads, care for the natural wonders, and protect itself from within. Of course along with that came the darker side of paying the politicians. Who we know will vote for what the people want, as long as someone doesn't guarantee anything such as money or re-election. The worst part is, most of them just thrive on the whole power thing. The whole "I'm the Mayor/Committee Chief/Parks and Rec. Manager, Don't you know who I am?, I can destroy you!" The sad part is, a lot of the time when they say stuff like that, they're right. They can ruin you. Politics and puppet shows are one in the same. As long as someone is pulling the strings, they will both function well.

OK, I'm going to get to the point of all this. My big question is:

When did the United States Of America's government become a bank? Or to be more specific, when did it's treasury become one? And even then, the last several billions they've loaned aren't even ours. They're borrowing from the Chinese to cover our debts. And its all to keep some mega-high profile businesses who absolutely (pardon my language) fucked themselves in their job plan, and decided to focus the money on payroll and not on actual capital, or holdings. So, what do the people we voted into office, to look after our well being, do in this scenario? They give them truckloads of money. And they don't even bother to come up with any rules for repayment. That first 800 Billion dollars that went out is gone people. It wont come back. What's sad is that it wasn't until it became public that a lady was set to still get her 8 digit bonus, that people said "Wait a minute! What just happened?" In a sense, our federal financial system is kind of one of those "Ponzi schemes." As in it doesn't have the money to cover it's debts, so it relies on the money that is coming in, taxes, loans from others, and what not, to pay what it owes.

But, c'mon, as long as we can print money, we'll never run out. Right?

I need to start saving my money to buy an island somewhere.

I'm done for now.

Goodnight/Good Morning


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