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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Friday, May 14, 2010

Oblivion awaits...

Lets just come right out with it, we all hate each other, and think killing everyone is the answer.

No? That's not a good idea? Ok, what do you suggest.... kill the Jesus guys or the Muslim folks? It's gotta be one or the other because neither of them can pull their brains from their rectum. Both religions think the others are unworthy. So, what do you do at this point? You try to get them to just get along, and not have problems with each other. Good luck with that shit.

My God is tougher than your God, my beliefs are more sacred than yours, and I have a better internet connection through my PS3. Who really gives a shit? I'm not going to judge you by your religious choices. Do whatever you want. Worship the mullet of MacGyver for all I care, just don't try to force it on anyone.

Fuck it, I'm done.


Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Little Things....

All my life I've been told to focus on the little things that make you happy. This couldn't be more true. If something that you do, no matter how small, makes you feel good. Do it. And do it as often as you can.

Me? I like shooting my guns, grilling meat, and listening to my headphones at an unreasonable volume. I also have this weird fondness for baking cornbread, but that's something that would best be discussed with a therapist.

Anyhow, find your little things, and make the best of them.

I know, it was short, but who really cares?

"Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most" -- Ozzy Osbourne

Risky business.....

As I sit here eating my sub sammich with it's Au Jus, it reminds me of risky stuff we do from time to time. Right now it's mostly me risking the Au Jus dripping all over my overpriced keyboard and frying it all to hell.

But in the whole, we all face risks almost daily. Sometimes we don't even realize it. But then there are those that we do know about. And those usually involve a change of some sort. Changing jobs, changing relationships, or changing locations. Or the Trifecta: Changing job and location, because of a relationship. Sometimes you have a good feeling about it, sometimes it's an iffy feeling, and sometimes it's just bad. But usually, the feeling you had when you first came upon the choice, is the one to follow. Yeah, it might hit on all the logical points, but if it doesn't feel right, then maybe it isn't.

Maybe you're looking at changing jobs. Let's say there is a job that pays more, has better benefits, and is closer to home, but there's no guarantee of job security beyond 6 months. Do you take it? With nothing more than what I have told you, hopefully you wouldn't. But if you met the folks at the job and thought it was good, then follow your instinct.

Relationships are pretty much the same. Most people look for the trophy aspects; more money, better looks, benefits... But those factors really mean nothing in the big picture. Happiness, comfort, and longevity are the true goals to seek in life. Whether it be a job, a location, or a relationship, those should be the 3 main requirements.

If they can't be fulfilled, then the risk ain't worth it.

I'm done preaching for the night.

Goodnight, Good Morning, Whatever....


“Love is like a booger. You keep picking at it until you get it, then wonder what to do with it.” -- Anonymous