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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Savings? We Don't Need No Stinking Savings.....

Contrary to the popular way of life, (which has added more than it's fair share to the economic hardships we are all facing,) I don't feel that I'm one who lives "beyond their means." Or more simply put, someone who believes that as long as I have a thin piece of plastic, I have money. I'm more of the type of person who runs full sprint towards that chasm that is slightly beyond my financial capabilities, and skids to a stop right at the edge, balancing myself ever so precariously. Never quite falling into that horrendous pit of intentional debt, but yet never having an extra dime to cover any emergency needs. I guess you could say I live exactly within my means. It's not pretty, and I'm not saying I enjoy it. In fact it's gotten to the point where I have so much "stuff" that I'm quickly running out space. Let's see, a quick list includes: a TV for almost every room (only the bathrooms go without), multiple dvd players, multiple game consoles (handheld and regular size), 200+ cd's, probably around 100 dvds, 2 PC's, surround sound system, a militia's worth of firearms(to keep my bounty safe) etc. etc....

It's gotten to the point where I've finally started to realize I need to save some money. I'm getting older and just slightly wiser, I think. So lately, when I buy useless stuff, I try to find it on sale. I figured this would help me cure my habit of impulse spending. You know, the whole "it's just as good, but it cost half the price" mentality. Unfortunately, one DVD may have derailed that whole train of thought. One of the best movies ever made in my opinion, and I found it for $5. Well, to be honest, my roomie saw it first and pointed it out to me. Either way, I (he) found "McLintock!" (starring John Wayne) for 5 freaking dollars. On DVD, no less. Now, I have to say, the cover didn't look right because it had a much, much younger Mr. Wayne, and a picture of a hispanic looking young woman looking over her shoulder in a longing fashion. Neither of which is anywhere in the movie. But I figured; "C'mon, it's Wal-Mart. One of the largest Christian-oriented businesses in the whole world. They're not going to sell crap in an effort to rip me off." Well, paint me whatever color represents "stupid" the most. I popped this disc in and immediately learned the error of my ways. It had the image quality of a VHS tape from the mid 80's. And to make matters worse, at random cuts in the film, it got even worse. For 5 minutes you'd watch 80's VHS, then for a minute or so you'd watch video that looked like someone had their 80's style camcorder pointed at the TV and recording it. Then back to crappy 80's VHS. And not only did the image change, the sound went with it. Now, I do understand that I only paid $5 for it. But, I also only paid $5 for "Paint Your Wagon," and it's quality is great( it's not HD, but still, it's good enough). I want to take the ridiculously sub-par disc back, but I seriously doubt they'd give me the $20 that I would demand. Yes, I do feel that my suffering through the whole thing is worth $15.

 Anyways, back to my original point.... I know it's not a wise way to live. Spending every last dime is no way to ever get ahead. I understand that there is the possibility that I may no longer have a job, and finding another may be difficult. Having money stashed would certainly help if that were to happen. But, the way I see it, I have all kinds of ways to distract my mind from the harshness of life, a myriad of things to entertain myself with. Anytime I get stressed with the world around me, I have video games, books, music, or horrible $5 movies to fall back on.

Besides, if the time ever comes that I don't have a job; I have enough junk to barter with the Pawn Man for months.....

I'm done for now....

Goodnight / Good Morning

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