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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Monday, October 12, 2009

Pointing Fingers Is Fun.....

I can't help myself. One more, and then I'm done..... (if you're looking for the one I was bragging about earlier you can find it below this. Read that one first, then scroll back up here.)

Way back in January 2009, I decided to check out this phenomenon called "blogspot" now known as blogger.com. Well, I chose to just repost the first blog I ever attempted from back in January of 2006. I wasn't attempting any type of literary dynamic, just posting my thoughts and /or feelings at the time. Well, when I re-posted it on here, I actually got a response. And that one response was like throwing a hand grenade at a snow-covered mountain, or pissing off a volcano god, only bad things will result from it. And the bad things will just flow for ever and ever. Which is why we have this avalanche / lava flow of mediocre and sometime downright awful writing that keeps spilling from my finger tips.

Here is the "Root of all evil" as I like to call it:

Seattle won their first playoff game in 21 years. Successfully ending the longest playoff drought in the entire NFL. There probably isn't anyone reading this who really cares. but i do. that is all. Peace out yo.
(This was originally posted back in Jan of 2006)

1 comment:

Skeeter said... "you need to post more!!!

So, basically, we could blame all of your intellectual suffering that was caused by my writing on her. But I don't. I actually want to thank her. Knowing someone was interested in what I had to say, was encouraging. It helped me speak my mind. Speaking my mind usually gets me into trouble and costs me friendships, but real friends don't judge on points of view. They judge on character. And family... well family judges on a whole different level. Your family should only judge you on who can fake illness the best to get out of having to go to church or school.

Again, I'm done...

Goodnight / Good Morning

Go Away....


1 comment:

  1. Love it!! And you!! I agree Nieces and Nephews are the best!!
