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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Friday, September 18, 2009

It's All About the Money....

Holy Cripes Almighty.... there are commercials everywhere. The Unholy Internet has friggin commercials.

This is just sad.

Standard broadcast TV, Radio, DVDs and such, I can understand. But YouTube? Or MySpace videos? Didn't both of these organizations sell for multiple millions of dollars in the recent years? Weren't they worth the millions spent to buy them? Yes they were. And not because they made you watch a stupid commercial before the video you chose. It was because of the OPTIONAL links located all over the place that you had a choice to view or not. Those links made mad cash from all the suckers in the world(A sucker born every minute? That's a lot of dough) who believed they could've won an easy million, or had a chance at winning a Ferrari just by clicking their mouse once or twice. It's like waving a candy bar in front of the fat kid or jingling keys near a baby. It's too friggin easy.

BUT, apparently, that's not enough for the corporate bastards of the world anymore. Yes, they still have money rolling in; but no, it doesn't keep up with their ever-expanding wants. While us normal folks have learned in these dire times: that if we can just get our bills paid, and our stomachs filled. we'll be ok. These haughty, white-collar pieces of shit will not abide by just breaking even. There must be profit! So, first of all, they lay off hundreds of people. When that brief reprieve starts to taper off, they cut benefits of those still employed by them(or make the employees pay a significant share of the benefit's cost.) Meanwhile, the corner-office pricks are still getting bonuses for any small sales they might gain. And most of those dicks/dickettes don't have half of the education or training that the lower level people do. They are just related or engaged to the daughter/son of one of the bosses. Or they just love to pucker-up and plant it on the stinky.

I CANNOT abide this. Whatever happened to the world where the working person is what made the world go round? Why do the people we elected to represent our opinions, and vote accordingly, bow down to some lobbyist who either offers them kickbacks or help in the next election? Why do I have to watch a commercial for Sprint phone service before I can watch the video I clicked on? Yet I can watch PBS for an hour without any commercial interruption.

I understand the idea of commercials before videos, it's so they can sell shit. But if the videos are that popular, why don't they just write up the sponsorship contract to say they want a certain amount of cash for each time anyone watches it. Logos posted all over the page and all that. Maybe a short commercial at the end. If someone wants to hear what they have to say, they'll acknowledge it with a click of the mouse. If not, they'll do as I do, and keep right on moving.

Anyways, I'm done. I'm not sorry if I bored you, or alienated you. By now you should know better than to read this crap that I submit to the world.

I'm done....

Go Away....


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