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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Religion, Racism, and Sports fans....

You might be wondering what the three things in the title have in common, well I'm gonna tell ya. If you belong to a group that others were taught to hate, you're screwed. In all three of those categories people tend to believe what they've been taught all their lives. Let's just say your dad was a Cowboys fan (God forbid), was a die hard fan and he took you to all the home games. Every waking moment he'd be telling you the other teams were stupid, worthless and not worth your time. The Cowboys were the one and only way to go.

Now, lets look at the other two things mentioned in the title. If you think about it, the same logic applies. If you've spent you're whole life being indoctrinated towards one way of thinking, well, that's what you will believe. Unless, of course, you're one of the few who can step back, look at the big picture, realize the differences and the similarities, and just respect people who have their own beliefs. I have to say that my references toward respecting peoples beliefs only applies to the religion aspect, since racism is just wrong.

I want to dig a little deeper into the religion aspect first. Whats the most popular religion these days? Catholic? Well, in my opinion, Catholicism is forced guilt. Always wanting you to confess your sins and submitting to saying multiple prayers as a form of repentance. Why should you have to repeat yourself? If god is  supposedly an all loving, all forgiving god, why to you have to constantly ask for forgiveness? Next! The next highest ranking religion is Islam. And conversion to Islam in America is on the rise. But, if you were raised in a community that was democratic and based on a level playing field( both male and female) how could you believe in any religion that said women were basically a possession that was bought and paid for? And even if your married, say you die for the cause, you get 72 virgins in heaven. How does that signify any respect for the woman you married? Bah, I'm done with that and moving on.... Next up, Mormons...

I saw this comment for a video on youtube, I'm going to post it then respond....

"Mormonism is a ridiculous scam created by a fraudulent self-obsessed liar trying to win back credibility for being convicted in a court of law for being a fraudulent. He was sued by the state for telling people he was "a finder of precious metals in the earth" , and he was getting paid when he never found anything. Its so ridiculous that so many people follow this complete moron. i feel sorry for all these people. "Momonism" should be called "moron-ism" Joseph Smith is a Moron."

What causes this sort of thought? Anger? Hatred? Logical thinking? No, to all of those.  It's all based on word of mouth, friends saying this and that, or maybe his/her pastor/priest/shaman "testisfyin'!" Who knows.

As far as the Mormon religion goes, I was raised in it, and I still believe in some aspects of it.  The religious part? No, I'm not convinced. But as far as the whole Family values/ respect your elders/ overall treating people right, and just being a good person: I'm good with all that.

Everyone is born with an empty page in front of them. Their parents will write the outline for the first few chapters. After that, the individual must forcefully take the pen and write their own story.

I'm done for tonight.



  1. Well shut my mouth...

    Interesting point of view, Mr B.

    Not popular, but definitely interesting. Besides, I know you don't go for popular when it comes to matters like this.

    And I heartily agree.

  2. Yeah, the "popular" vote isn't one I've ever really strived for. I actually just read this for the first time since I posted it. I was trying to avoid it because I wasn't exactly "of sound mind" when I wrote it, and figured it was just some random offensive babblings. I opened it up with full intention to delete it, but then realized it wasn't that bad.
