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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Monday, August 24, 2009

Kids these days.....

  I don't know about you folks, but in my opinion, all this texting vocab or TXTing has gotten way out of control. I will admit, without any regret, that I prefer sending text messages to talking on the phone. But, I cannot abide by all this texting shorthand BS. Numbers and letters all jumbled together, missing vowels, lost punctuation, complete removal of grammar, and all that crap.

Now, having said that, I must admit that I do have some wicked texting skills as far as time is concerned. But I type words out, no 2's or 4's or l8tr's in my messages. And I spell my words correctly too. Mostly because I don't want the person recieving them to think I'm an idiot. Obviously, kids these days don't care.  They don't have the time to type words out, 'cause they have to get back to watching "The Real World" or "Big Brother", sending more rapid fire texts out to their friends, or updating their Twitter status.

As much as it makes me sound like an asshole, I would love to see all the cell towers shutdown for a day. To watch all the children out there become completely lost and give up all hope because they couldn't text their friends for the 49th time that day, or "Tweet" for the 63rd time, and to watch them just break down into tears 'cause the world hates them and makes them suffer a bit....

I would bathe in those tears while smiling.

And I would point and laugh at every single one of them. For I remember the days when I had to ask permission from my Mom to use the phone to call my girlfriend. And I only was allowed 15 minutes a day. There wasn't any text messaging, no voice mail, hell there wasn't even caller ID back then. A mobile phone weighed 3 pounds, and most of those were wired into the car. It wasn't even called a mobile phone, it was the car phone. 

In my opinion, kids, adults, or anything with opposable thumbs shouldn't have a phone unless they can pay for it themselves. 12 yr old kids don't need them. If your kids want one, tell them to get a job and pay for it. Don't come whining to me when your 13 year old kid runs up a 200 dollar phone bill. I warned you.

NEwayz, I'm done 4 2nite, TTYL.


I thought that would be funny, but I'm hating myself for even typing it....


1 comment:

  1. And you should H8 yourself.
    But I will be with you there that day when the cellular network stops, enjoying a good laugh. Maybe then my kids will realize they aren't missing anything...but not likely.
