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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Monday, June 14, 2010

I'm A Bit Confused....

Now, let me see if I have this straight:

Current estimates have the oil flow in the gulf equal to the Exxon Valdez every 3 days. And its been flowing for 55 days now. Let's see, that's roughly 18 1/3 times more oil in the water than what was previously considered the worst oil spill in U.S. history. And that number gets bigger every day.

Now here's where it gets a little iffy, stupid or just plain dumb. When the Valdez ran aground, the hardcore investigation into every crew member, every officer, the captain, and the owner of the boat, went into effect within hours. It didn't happen for 3 weeks with the Deepwater Horizon. And by then it had already surpassed the Valdez in amount spilled.

I've read, in a few different publications, about how BP hotshots basically rammed shortcuts down the throats of guys who knew they wouldn't be good. Stuff like: Replacing heavy mud in the system with regular seawater because it's faster and cheaper, though not proven to be safe. It's like being lucky at drawing straws, eventually, you're gonna lose. So why take the risk? Oh wait, that's right, it costs $750K a day to run this ship, and I know how to save $25k. It's a risk to multiple lives, but I'm cool with that.

I hope that the guy who made that decision gets put in the shocky chair. Not only did he cost 11 people their lives, but also ruined the lives of everyone close to them. And he/she also caused a yet unrecognized amount of destruction to the whole gulf-coastal southeastern United States, along with the North Eastern coasts of South America. Seriously, how many families that relied on fishing jobs are now pretty much screwed?

And it's all because of greed. Someone wanted to get get the job done on time or early, and get their bonus.

But then again, who am I kidding? If the person responsible gets busted, it'll be nothing more than a year or so behind bars, and 6 months of probation. All those Oil Co. assholes have way too many political connections.

I hate to say it, but Yes, in modern society, money does equal power....

I'm done for now-
Goodnight / Good Day / Whatever


"The best way to regain the world you loved, is to get rid of the ones who took it from you." -- Me (Vote the Bastards Out)

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