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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Friday, April 9, 2010


Darwin explained how we became what we are, Kennedy, Nixon, and Armstrong showed us how far we could go, opened our eyes to the dream of what might be. Reagan said we all should be friends, He and Bush Sr. showed that we could by convincing the Soviets to let the Berlin Wall be torn down. Clinton? Well, he doinked his secretary and forced banks to approve risky loans.(Yeah, the banking failure was not caused by W. or the Republicans. Do some research.) George Jr. got us into a war with a country that needed liberation, but gave the wrong reasoning for it. And now here we are with a President who ignores all history, has re-angered the nations in what was the Soviet empire, has thrown money at large businesses that have obviously horrible business plans, would rather play basketball than deal with issues at hand, and has now cancelled a 13 billion dollar plan to return to the moon. Now, 9 billion of that has already been spent. We're like 3/4 of the way there. But, no. Apparently we need to scrap all of that and focus on Mars. So by the time that they are ready to start researching, and evaluating stuff, the cost will be around 30 bil to get there. That's like going to the grocery store, having a coupon for bacon that says $1 for a pound, and spending $50 to put in your basket. The logic in that? Its right over there, yes out the window, it's right on top of the pile marked "Stupid As Hell"...

I'm done...


"When I get to heaven, tie me to a tree
For I'll begin to roam and soon you'll know where I will be" -- Lee Marvin in "Paint Your Wagon"

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