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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Lesson In Dictionary Usage....

DISCLAIMER; The author of this piece has absolutely no problem with immigration, as long as it's done the right way....

I read an article in the paper last night about yet another immigration bill rolling around. Mostly it was about how people are protesting, and wanting the Governor to not support any legislation against illegal immigrants. And this type of protest amuses me. Basically, its a bunch of people saying, "Hey, we/they/he/she have entered into this country, bypassed all the typical protocol and legal procedure, entered into the country without permission, but are completely innocent of any wrongdoing."

Previously there was a quote that I saw on TV during one of the marches a few years back that I considered my favorite in relation to this discussion: "Just the fact that we're illegal immigrants doesn't make us criminals."

Umm.... According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of "Illegal" is: 'not according to or authorized by law : unlawful, illicit.' Illegal means "against the law", and therefore a crime. And if you commit a crime, your are a criminal.

But, I now have a new favorite quote....

(Quoted from azcentral.com)
-Alfredo Gutierrez, a former state senator, said it would be unconstitutional to charge people in the country illegally with trespassing.

"These are people who aren't even jaywalking," he said. "It is merely their presence and their status of being undocumented that will make them criminals."

Yes. Exactly. If someone hops my fence, and enters my yard without permission, I can have them arrested for trespassing. If I can do that as a citizen, why can't the federal government do it? They have entered into an area that they do not have permission to be in. That is trespassing.

I know the whole immigration process needs reform. There is a huge waiting line for applications to be approved, and visas to be handed out, basically a huge pain in the ass. But isn't the few months of waiting better than a life of constantly looking over your shoulder? Wondering when you'll be caught?

All I ask is that you don't try to tell me that people who snuck into this country, while intentionally avoiding law enforcement, did nothing wrong. And don't pull the "Constitutional Rights" card. They had no respect for our laws or practices when they snuck in, why use those same laws and practices to protect them?

I'm done for now.

Goodnight / Good Morning / Go Away.


"If all else fails, immortality can always be assured by spectacular error." ~John Kenneth Galbraith

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