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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Glass Houses and Flying Stones....

For any of you who may not live in Arizona, this may not make sense, so I'll give you the run-down. We have cameras set up on the freeways that take pictures of speeders who are then cited for the offense. Simple enough... don't speed... don't have to pay. Unfortunately, society is stupid. It's been called everything from a revenue machine to infringement on free speech. Yes, free speech. Apparently hauling ass down the road should count as rebellion against government or some other crap.

There are a lot of people out there that claim these cameras are illegal. They aren't. These are probably the same folks that claimed the cams that caught red light runners were illegal. The cams are a law enforcement tool. It's just like a cop on the side of the road with a radar gun. Don't break the law, and you don't get busted.

As far as the speed cams are concerned, I've met a lot of folks who hate them. But, of all those who hate them, 100% have been busted by them. I have yet to meet anyone who hates the cams that obeys the laws of the road. Yes, it is a money gathering idea. And it will make money because people will always haul ass down the road. I wish I would've thought of the idea and leased cams to the state.

I'm not innocent in all of this, I do speed sometimes. But I usually only do 5 mph or so over the limit. And when the limit changes, so does my speed. People whine and cry about the cams being placed strategically to catch people when the limits change. Sometimes this is true. But if you pay attention, put down the phone, and actually observe the road as you should, you'd see the signs before the cam flash goes off.

In my opinion, I say leave them. Hell, put more up. Put them on residential streets. Put them in parking lots. If people can't be responsible, and at least be moderately safe on their own, make it so they have to. Otherwise, they'll haul ass down the roads all the time and the time they screw up and kill someone, they'll sue the state for not having better laws for the road.

I still say leave the cams up. And I also say they should set up a website so people can view the pics. Freewayscofflawsdotcom or something.

I'm done for tonight.

Goodnight / Good Morning
Just go away....


"Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have their shoes."

--Jack Handey

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