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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Friday, December 4, 2009


Azure, Bleu, Blau, or whatever. Basically, I'm referring to the color blue. Though I do want to mention that the word for light blue in Deutsch(german) is Hellblau. I guess I just thought it was funny because it had hell in it. Anyhow, let's get on with this...

Blue. It's always been a color associated with: cool, calm, relief and safety. And it's also been a sign of royalty, or a connection to royalty. It's the one color that isn't created naturally in anything and has to be produced. In the old days it took a lot of money to generate it, so actually having blue-dyed clothing signified a sort of wealth. Usually only the creme de la creme, or big dogs/royal families, had this money, hence the name Royal Blue.

Nowadays, we can create any color we want. All we have to do is head down to the local Home Depot, and they can mix all kinds of different colors and flavors to exactly what we want. But from what I've seen lately, everything is "Earth Tones"; browns, drab greens, and shades of tan. Like people are thinking: "if my house is brown and earthy, people will think I care about the environment."

Random Tangent Alert!

Then there are people who build their houses to look like Adobe* homes, but are just wood and styrofoam. I hate those people. They see the style as chic, and mimic it poorly. They want the popular look, but with the "regular house" cost. And now there is the style of Faux-dobe, which I feel is an insult to the whole adobe home history. Yes, it was cheaper to build, but the energy costs to maintain it are about the same. And will it last 10-15 generations? No.

Anyhow, back to my original topic. Blue. Cool, comforting, and it instills a sense of calm.

Which is why I'm glad my local Wal-Mart re-stocked it's shelves with the little toilet pucks. Just don't buy the 2000 Flushes ones, because it's a crock, they don't last anywhere near that long.

My toilet water is blue again, and I am happy.

Yes, all of this was written just so I could brag about having blue toilet water. And I'm not ashamed of it. If you have a problem with it, I have a space reserved for your lips, and I think you might know where it is.

Goodnight / Good morning / whatever....


"Young men want to be faithful, and are not; old men want to be faithless, and cannot.” -- Oscar Wilde

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