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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Heavily Trodden Path....

I know I've been down this road more times than even I want to think about. But, once again I'm going to try to open some minds. And where, you might ask, are the most closed minded people found? In the world of religion of course. I'm going to try to keep this short and sweet, because at the end, I have a bit of awesomeness that I found that sums it all up better than I ever could. You might be thinking "Why even bother writing anything, just post it, man." Because I can. And I will. And if you know me, you know I have a hard time not putting my two cents in about anything. And usually, my two cents ends being about $1.50.

Anyhow, I've always thought the greatest quote that religious people should hear was in the movie Dogma. It goes a little something like this: God doesn't care how you believe, as long as you do believe.

I couldn't find the exact quote on the Unholy Internet, but that's mostly because I'm impatient. That is how I remember it being said, and even if I'm miles away from what it really was, that sentence still makes a great point. So many religions out there believe that there is only one true god. Why can't people accept that all those one true Gods might be the same dude, or chick. If it's true that they are all one in the same, then just pray to and worship them however you see fit, and then let others do it however they want. At the very least, quit arguing, fighting, and killing folks who do it differently.

I just going to say one more thing; If your God is telling you to kill/murder your fellow human beings, then obviously He's a bad dude. Pretty much every religion claims God as our "Father" and all the people are his kids. But, you say He wants you to go around slaughtering his other kids.

Maybe this is why I'm not religious. It's all way to friggin confusing to me. All the different rules, secret rituals, laws and ordinances, etc, etc. You can believe the story your chosen religion lays down, but if you don't practice the ways of worship and life your life the way they say, they'll kick your ass out. Kinda discredits the theory of an all loving, all forgiving God in my opinion.

I try to keep my devotions simple. I love Chevrolets and Football. A Chevy truck wont quit working for me because I've owned a Ford, and I'll never get kicked out of a football game because I used to play baseball.

I guess I managed to screw up the short and sweet idea, but I don't really care. If you've managed to tough it out and get to this point, the aforementioned awesomeness is below:

I couldn't have said better if I tried.

I'm done for now,

Goodnight/Good Morning

Go Away.


“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.”
--Robert McCloskey

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