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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Come on in, the water's.... fine?

Suprisingly, I'm in a mood to write, and it's not a pissy or introspective mood. Hey, it happens once in a while. Bear with me if you will....

There have been some good things that have happened in my life lately, and I wish to share them. It's my stinkin' space, so I can do what I want here. So here goes, (and I have to do it in a list format, 'cause otherwise I'll forget stuff):

1. I achieved Uncle status by one more tick on the scale. Which now brings me to a total of 8. Let's see, there's Jeryn, Roenen, Desi, Simeon, Carter, Canyon, Sheridan, and Colter. All of them are great kids too. I haven't yet met Colter, but I hope to soon.

2. I met a girl. And I really like her. I'm not going to go into detail on this because I do not want to jinx it. Hopefully I didn't just do exactly that.

3. Still have a job. No need to go into depth on this one. 

4. Orenthal has come home. C'mon, it's a white Bronco, what other name would have worked?

5. I've bought new guns. Finally aquired a pistol, and I picked up a lever-action .22. From what I hear, according to new laws, owning 5 guns or more makes you a Militia. I'm almost there. I would be, but pellet guns don't count.

6. I made it past the age of 30, without dying or landing in prison. And that, is an achievement that I once thought I'd never accomplish.

7. I started working on the Scout to bring it back to life. It's still midway through the first round of surgery, but hey, at least I'm making some progress. I hope to bring it back to life in a way that it will last several generations. It belonged to my Grandfather, and along with my microwave, it's what I have that previously belonged to him that I can preserve and pass down the family tree. Most people look at it as a piece of junk, I see it as an heirloom.

I know, it's a short list. But hey, that many good things happening for me in just a few months is awesome. Besides, I could have used this space and time pissing and moaning about trivial stuff like I normally do. Actually, that reminds me, I read this article last night that just set my teeth on edge. It's was about....

Nah, I'll just stop while I'm behind...

I'm done, Goodnight.....


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