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Cynicism, sarcasm, and Political Incorrectness are my specialty. Or specialties. Whatever, just shut up and read....

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Curiosity killed the cat....

Most people know me as a guy who isn't religiously tied down. In fact I view religion as a crutch for people who can't bear the though of knowing that you are alone in this world. They always have to believe at least Jesus is backing them up, and supporting them, if no one else will. And I also believe that religion is most likely the sole cause for most of the problems in the world today. All the different sects saying "God said I have to do this" or "God said I should kill you for your beliefs." Or even the whole bit about "God said I should wage a war against you and kill everyone who doesn't believe what I do." Pardon my language, but it's all bullshit. From what I've learned, most religions believe in one god. And this god created man in his image. He put one man and one woman on this planet, and everyone alive today is a descendant of them. So, basically, no matter what your interpretation of his words may be, if you choose to fight people who think differently, you're basically fighting or killing your extended family. And pretty much every religious sect preaches about putting your family first.

In my opinion, fighting for your religion, against some other religious group, is only making your denomination look worse. All of this holy war bullshit is just a glorified version of "My dad can beat up your dad." When, in theory, both dads are the same guy, and he just wants them all to get along.   

My theory on the whole religion and God bit? I've been taught that we were created in God's image. But there is scientific proof of evolution. So if this whole "God's image" thing is true, he must be hunched over and really hairy. Besides, there's all kinds of proof that this world (Earth) is millions of years old, and mankind has only existed in the last 3rd of it. But, I will recant everything I've said if someone can show me proof of heaven or hell.

Blind faith is exactly that. Blind. People say you just have to have faith. I can have the utmost faith in the fact that I'll own a Ferrari by next Tuesday.  It won't happen, but the fact that I had faith, and truly believed it, should make it true. Not so. 

Either way, I'm done for tonight. Argue with me if you want, speak your mind, and I'll listen to all you have to say.

I'm out....



  1. A Dream. That's all it is.
    Problem is that this dream can sting, bite, piss you off, enthuse, enrage, engorge, and otherwise occupy you time with all of the crap out there to distract you.
    In my book, you can either wake up from the dream or get yourself another beer.
    Man that beer sounds good right about now...

  2. I think you misunderstand faith.

    I think Religion is jsut a beleif syustem. Everyone has a system to their belief, and many people have religions complete with prophets but just don't call it that: don't beleive me: see AL Gore and his "sceintific proof".

    As to science: its jsut the lastest thing that the world knows by looking out their door. right now it is "millions of years old" and "inter species evolution" ( a theory that Darwin did not endorse by the way, he believed in God and kept it real with intraspecies evolution). Right now they say that sure, but not that long ago the "scientific community was sure the world was flat and the sun rotated around it. The world's scientific understanding changes.

    It was good to see your stuff though its been a while.

    Brian Jones
